little pea

birth date: april 8, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

first meal of "solids"

This was about a week ago and he is now eating like a champ three times a day after he nurses. In about a week we will start him on some good ol' veggies.


  • At 9/17/2007 07:56:00 AM, Blogger Sue Green said…

    I love it! The one face looks like "do I REALLY have to eat this?" or "I'd rather go back to my liquid diet any day." Doesn't take long before it's meals with the family.

    Love and kisses --

  • At 9/17/2007 01:34:00 PM, Blogger B,P,R,S & L said…

    He is definitely a big eater!! We are still doing only 2 times per day, but rice, veggies, and fruit now.
    Rice and fruit in the AM, veggies and fruit in the PM.

  • At 9/18/2007 01:13:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    we'll see from those faces ....if he still likes the rice cereal when he's older?!!! (hehe)

    hey!!!! u get my mission letter w/ gift for Elijah??????????



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